Bio-Medial Inspections


Biomedical Inspections

Bio-Medical Inspections are most commonly done in Nursing Homes, Out-Patient & Plastic Surgery Centers, or Larger Medical Groups that conform to either state, or accredited organizations such as JCHACO, AAAASF, AAAHC or the State’s Health Department Agency New York, Connecticut or New Jersey.

Electrical safety inspection

An Electrical Safety Inspection is an onsite inspection, where all cord-connected medical equipment that comes in contact with patients or is used in patient vicinity must pass an annual bio-medical electrical safety test. This is an inspection in which the current in the ground wire is measured and must comply with NFPA99 specifications. The equipment is then stickered with a “passed” or “failed” sticker specifying the date in which it was inspected. After the safety inspection is completed, a report is generated, listing all inspected equipment with the status and measurement.

In order to make it easy to see if an item has been missed or not yet inspected, Medicanix changes the inspection label colors every year. These labels are generally a bright color and easy to see. They are however, put in locations that are less of an eye sore. You are welcome to specify the location of your inspection label as long as it can still be seen by a state or accreditation inspector.

Medicanix sets the standards in the industry

When is comes to Bio-Medical Inspections, Medicanix sets the standards in the industry by giving our inspected equipment its own bar coded control number label. This not only saves time and costs on all future inspections, but it also helps our customers keep track of their equipment and relate it to the written report.

All equipment information; model, serial number, equipment type, and test data is recorded and given a control number. A label with the control number and its barcode is put on the equipment. This not only reduces all future inspection time immensely, but also provides our customers with a data record of their own equipment.