Medicanix offers specialized Chiropractic Table repair services, providing reliable maintenance and repair solutions for chiropractic equipment. Our team of skilled technicians are trained to handle various types of chiropractic tables, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. From electrical issues and hydraulic malfunctions to upholstery replacement and alignment adjustments, Medicanix covers a broad range of repair needs. With a focus on quality and efficiency, we provide on-site service or depot repairs, minimizing downtime and ensuring that chiropractic professionals can continue delivering top-notch care to their patients.
Types of Chiropractic Table We Repair
Our Scope Of Services
Scheduled Maintenance
Regular maintenance services to keep your chiropractic tables in excellent working condition, preventing future issues.
Emergency Repair
Fast and reliable emergency repair services to minimize downtime and keep your practice running smoothly.
Electrical & Mechanical Safety
Comprehensive safety checks and repairs for both electrical and mechanical components of your chiropractic tables.
Calibration Checks
Accurate calibration checks to ensure your chiropractic tables function correctly and provide precise adjustments.