Medical Equipment Repair Jobs - What Skills Are Required?

Do you find yourself looking for a career you know will enjoy and have a passion for? Before collage it is not easy to know what your career path will be. In fact, according to Forbes Magazine only 27% of college graduates are working in a job that even relates to what they majored in. If you are considering Bio-Medical engineering or medical equipment repair, this article my help you discern if it is a good career path for you to follow.

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MedicalKevin Lyons
Muscle Simulator Not Working and "Shocking" Patients

Have you ever had your patients complain that the muscle simulator you use is “shocking” them? To make things even worse, the problem is intermittent. The unit works fine with some patients but not with others. This makes you wonder if it is just an oversensitive patient, or if is it the machine that is not working. Have you ever had one of your patients suddenly jump or yell saying that the muscle simulator is shocking them? Could it be that the machine isn’t working?

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Process of Hydrocollator Cleaning and Maintenance

The question often arises, “How can I clean and maintain my Hydrocollator?” Keeping up with cleaning a Hydrocollator and doing the maintenance is a sure way to prevent the unit from deteriorating and becoming unsanitary looking, and eventually leading to malfunction. A few simple steps can keep your Hydrocollator in good working order. You can follow these same steps for Chattanooga or Whitehall Hydrocollators.


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Physical-TherapyKevin Lyons
Why Is Veterinary Scale Calibration Necessary?

Veterinary scale calibration is very important to ensure accurate weight is recorded for dispensing of medications, no different to that of humans. Precision is key when it comes to medical equipment. Veterinary scale calibration and regular service maintenance is all part of running an efficient veterinary practice.

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VeterinaryKevin Lyons
Why the Sterilization Process Requires an Ultrasonic Cleaner

An instrument that is dirty cannot be properly sterilized without an ultrasonic cleaner.  If you were to place a dirty instrument in a sterilizer without first cleaning it then the risk factor is still present due to bacteria and viruses that is shielded by the soil on the surface of the instrument.  A sterilizer doesn’t clean an instrument it only sterilizes it.

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Veterinary Exam Table - The Advantages of a Power Table

Your Veterinary Exam Table is usually the next place your furry patients go after being checked in and weighed. Is your animal table height adjustable?  

If not, now is the time to consider the advantages of a Height Adjustable Veterinary Exam Table. Every Veterinarian deserves an appropriate animal table to assist in any type of examination required.

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VeterinaryKevin Lyons
Troubleshooting & Understanding Hospital Monitors

Understanding Hospital Monitors is something all medical professionals and health care providers must know. Whether it be for a stress test, planned surgery, emergency room admittance, or even the dispensing of prescription drugs, collecting the vital signs of each patient and monitoring this critical information is the most important data prior, during, and after any medical procedure.

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MedicalKevin Lyons
Use, Care, and Maintenance of a Microscope

The microscope is a valuable instrument so the care and maintenance of it is highly important.  There are many small objects or details of objects which cannot be seen by the unaided human eye.  It magnifies the image of such objects thus making them visible to the human eye. Microscopes are used to observe the shape of bacteria, fungi, parasites and host cells in various stained and unstained preparations.  Because of the intricate nature of a microscope, it is important that it is cared for and maintained.

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Kevin Lyons