Veterinary Exam Table - The Advantages of a Power Table


Your Veterinary Exam Table is usually the next place your furry patients go after being checked in and weighed. Is your animal table height adjustable?  

If not, now is the time to consider the advantages of a Height Adjustable Veterinary Exam Table. Every Veterinarian deserves an appropriate animal table to assist in any type of examination required.


Why are veterinary powered tables better?

We all remember the Famous Yorkshire Vet James Herriot lying on wet cobbles to deliver a calf, using hay bales as operatory props in a windy corner of a farmyard, or stitching up a wound with the help of a dying flashlight! His stories wouldn’t be near as interesting if he had all the modern veterinary equipment available today, but its because of vets like him that these modern veterinarian tools have been designed to perfection.

How he would have loved an electric foot pedal to help him get those large farm dogs onto the table rather than having to jam his knee against that forever bending table leg! These conditions were vulnerable for accidents, infection and risky for the veterinarian.

Some of these precious four-legged family members can be heavy! The strain on your back while lifting or bending over the animal can be incredible stress on your spine, and over time may lead to a condition that leaves you with chronic pain.

A height adjustable table not only enables larger dogs to get on themselves at their own will and reduces the amount of anxiety they feel but also allows you to raise the table to the perfect height. This reduces the amount of bending.

 Know About: How to Clean the Vinyl on Your Medical Exam Table

What table is best for your office?

A lift exam/scale table is a great way to weigh and examine your patients in one spot. Typically made of stainless steel, these tables are convenient and easy to clean.

Wet tables are used for dentistry, ear flushes, or any procedure requiring irrigation. These tables are popular in most clinics but are not always height adjustable. The newer styles are available with this feature and can save you valuable time being far more efficient.

C-Arm tables are generally used during diagnosis, medical procedures, and surgeries. The technology of a C-Arm table can decrease the time a patient is under anesthesia and lessen recovery time.

For an Equine practice, a fully hydraulic operating table is the safest and effectual way to perform surgery on a horse. The positioning of the animal along with the posture of the surgeon is crucial. These tables are also designed to allow easy draping of the surgical field and unrestricted accessibility for the surgical assistant.


Where should the exam table be located?

A well planned out exam room or surgical suite is essential in efficiency and organization. The animal table should be the most accessible piece. Creatures don’t typically like to be cornered, and the sight of the vets’ office is associated with pain. For an exam room, having the table and pet owners seating along one wall allows for more floor space and the doctor never has his back to subjects.

For square rooms, a Peninsula style table works best with both sides accessible. For Narrow rooms, a Lateral style table is a space-saving option.  Surgical Suites are better designed with an island table having 4 accessible sides.

 Read About: Why Is Veterinary Scale Calibration Necessary?

How is the powered veterinary exam table maintained?

Having a powered table is a huge advantage, however, the table must be kept in proper working order. Be sure to have a regular maintenance check done by your Local Medical Equipment Repair Company for optimum performance of your table.

VeterinaryKevin Lyons